Tuesday 18 November 2014

Refashion: from trousers to skirt

After a very long time I finally spent a couple of hours refashioning old clothes.
Refashion is one of my favourite craft!
Since I have difficulties in throwing away my old things, I like to give them a new life to keep them with me for some more. 
And this is expecially important for beloved clothes, like a pair of Esprit grey trousers I bought 4-5 years ago and wore almost till consumption (they were so confy and their fabric so good!!!).
Making a skirt out of them, cutting away the damaged parts, seemed a good idea. So I did it!

This is the before&after photo-collage:

And this is the photo of the back:

the final result is a pencil skirt and a "tear" is higly reccomended to walk without problems.
I realized it simply folding the fabric inside and sewing. 
I know this isn't the right way to realize these details in clothes, but it's a simple solution for a very informal skirt like this.

The skirt is not perfect.
Making a perfect skirt recycling a pair of trousers is almost a "mission impossible", because the fabric's cut in trousers follows curve lines that are very difficult to conceal when it's time to sew the skirt.

But if you want to try you can follow these tutorials:
- "Pants to pencil skirt" by La vie DIY
- Tutorial by sewmakeplay (a different solution from the front)
- 5 ways to turn jeans into a skirt with different skirt designs
- "Turn pants onto a skirt" by Potluck on the porch

Here in my Pinterest board about refashion you can find other tutorials and inspirations if you want to save an old pair of trousers (or other clothes you love).

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