Friday, 19 October 2012

Snowflake craft inspirations

I'm still working on my snowflakes ornaments (not finished yet, because I'm studying a lot and sewing a leather bag for a friend).
I've looked for some on-line inspirations on the snowflakes-theme recently and found some super lovely ideas I want to share with you today.
A lot of glue and some drops of watercolors and you can make this super cute thing (here for the tutorial):
Of course the most common way to make snowflakes is with paper and scissors.
I'm sure you've done something similar when you was a child, but if not, well, you can find tons of tutorials on line about this tecnique.
I really like this drawing (found here) and decided to show it to you:
You can make also paper sowflakes in 3D or play with this on-line (and free) tool to make false paper snowflakes to download (so funny!).
And what about beaded snowflakes?
On Remodelaholic there's a well-written tutorial to make this:
Have you some puzzle pieces to recycle?
Follow Lisa's tutorial to make snowflakes and Xmas trees:

If you like to carve rubber stamps like me, I think you can give a try to simple snowflakes like these by GreenGardenStamps or buy them: they can be a lovely tool to decorate Xmas packs:
If you can crochet you can make a lovely snowflake like this one by Loukippi:
AuntFran made 2-3 of them (similar) last year and I totally felt in love with her work (and Loukippi's work is amazing, too).
Hope these lovely links will inspire you to follow me in the snowflake mania! :)


  1. Grazie Silvia!!
    E non vedo l'ora di vedere cosa verrà fuori dai tuoi meravigliosi ricami (già splendidi così!!)

  2. So many wonderful ways to create snowflakes! But I still love yours the best!!! I can NOT wait much longer to see how you will use them!!!


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