Sunday, 21 October 2012

The perfect t-shirt for a book lover

Yesterday I had some free time and I finished a t-shirt I started last month and put in the un-finished projects' pile because of a problem in its sleeves.
They came out a bit "fluttering" in their borders and I really dislike them!
I was so disappointed -___-
But yesterday an interesting idea knocked on my mind: I decided to fix a slim elastic band on the back of each sleeve's border to have a gather (a thing I really like in clothes) and adjust that ugly flattering.
I had no idea if it was a good thing or not, but I tried.
And now I can say... "problem solved"! Yay! :)
This is my new t-shirt with gathered sleeves:
The colors of this fabric are not my favourite, but I purchased it for the pattern of letters and words. I found it perfect for a girl like me, a girl who likes books, calligraphy and all sort of written things.
I made the perfect t-shirt for a book lover, don't you think?
This t-shirt comes now that I've started to read a huge book I borrowed from the library last thursday: "Les Misérables" by Victor Hugo.
Oh, how much I love big books, full of words and adventures, on my bedside table! Almost like how much I love words on my t-shirt! :)
I'm sure you're going to ask: "Why are you still making t-shirts? October is almost finished and it's chilly!".
Well, here in Sicily weather is still warm and sunny. I'm writing this post wearing a t-shirt and a pair of shorts *___*
So I'm sure I can wear my new t-shirt for some weeks. It's a bit crazy, but real!
But I'm planning some clothes for winter, too, and I'll show them for sure when finished!


  1. Great photos, and shirt, love the pattern. Is the book worth reading?

  2. Great photos, and shirt, love the pattern. Is the book worth reading?


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