Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Snowflake ornaments - the final post

The final post about my embroidered snowflakes has come, at last!
I wrote about them in three different places (1, 2, 3) and now I can show you how they came out.
After some reflections I finally decided to sew them as hexagons and stuff them with polyfill fibers. I made soft hexagonal snowflakes :)
The back of each ornament is made of a fabric whose colors are the same of the embroidery on the front. In this collage you can see all the hexagons, front and back:
I added some embroidery thread to hang them to the Xmas tree, of course.
The first snowflake was too big, so I haven't worked on it (saved it for future projects). But I realized a little ornament with the smaller snowflake (I like little things, you know it); it's so tiny, it looks like a younger brother:
I like all of them. It is probably my favourite 2012 craft project!
Now I decided to abandon my snowflake obession of a while.
But this project filled me with enthusiasm so much that I've started a new similar embroidery project, but it involves stars.
I'm making other ornaments, star-shaped and in only two colors (dark blue and white). Stay tuned! :) 


  1. Oooooh! Stars too? You know all my secret obsessions!

    Your snowflake ornaments are simply beautiful. And I hope you are adding pictures to some of the flickr embroidery groups.

    Thank you so much for sharing your lovely Christmas project.


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