
This is what this blog is about!
Hope you like to follow me in my self-expression journey around these topics.

I like to write posts about:

  • my eco-friendly and nature inspired crafty life: I'm a strong nature lover and my work is often inspired by animals and plants. I'm also doing my best for the planet using recycled materials everytime it's possibile.
  • my close-to-countryside life: I live in a house closed to the country and we also have a little orange trees orchard with space for a vegetable garden. Love country life! :)
  • Art and talented people (in "real" life I'm a historian of art; I graduated in history of art in Pavia's University)
  • my adventures as a self-taught seamstress and designer (I'm the owner of MadameRenard Etsy shop), but also about my other creative passions (crochet, drawing, embroidery, photography)

If you want to know something about me and my work my suggestion is to start from:

My name is Silvia and I'm from Italy.
I started this blog (december 2010) to share and track my self-expression journey
As an introvert person (no, I'm not antisocial, I only need some time alone to recharge my brain's batteries), I like to express my personality by making things by hands. It's my way to communicate with the world!

I live in Sicily, a beautiful mediterranean island, but I was born and raised in a northern italian region called Lombardy.
moved to Sicily when I was 34 years old to live with my man, S.
Here I work as a teacher (italian, latin, geography, history, history of art) and as tourist guide (the best job ever! You can read something about my job in my blog Silvia Guida Sicilia).

Also known as MadameRenard (= Mrs Fox).

Feel free to write me (use the contact form just on your right).

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My blog about my job of tourist guide in Sicily: silvia-guidasicilia.blogspot.com

1 comment:

  1. Hi Silvia of MadameRenard! I'm Aimee from the USA; you had recently left a comment on my blog about the Italian-themed birthday card I'd made for my dad. I was so thrilled to get a comment from you since you're from Milan and now live in Sicily! I am very proud to be half Sicilian (the other half is French-Canadian). My maiden name was Bommarito. I believe my dad's family was from not far from Palermo - Terrasini, I think, and my dad said his father and uncles would talk about swimming near Castellammare. Thank you so much for commenting, and I enjoy all the creativity you show on your blog too!


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