Saturday, 5 July 2014

July in 31 photos: day 1-5

I started the new month with a new project in my mind.
Following my growing need to document my daily life, I decided to take one photo (at the least) everyday for the whole July and to publish it here and in my Flickr album.
It's a great way to see how the month is going and to sum up my summer (I'm starting with July, but my plans are to go on in august, too). 
You know that I have big expectations for this summer and I hope to see beautiful snaps speaking about fun, nature and summer happiness.

Would you join me in this project?
I've called it "July in 31 photos" (I'm not very creative with names)
If you wanto to have fun with me, the only things you have to do are: 
- capture an image of your day, everyday
- publish it where you like best (Flickr, Instagram, Pinterest, your blog, ....)
- let me know in the comment where I can see your photos
I'd like to take a glance in your summer :)

I'll probably publish my photos by grouping them, because I haven't the day to edit and blog every day.
Today I'm sharing with you my first 5 days.

Day 1: S. transplanted some succulents (+ another unknown little plant) in our acid green pot:

Day 2: a mysterious little light in our lawn (a firefly, I suppose)

Day 3: olive plants took frangipani's place in front of our main door - from a tropical corner to a very mediterranean one

Day 4: new shoes for me!

Day 5: typicall sicilian breakfast for summer: bread and granita (granita is made of almonds, sugar, milk, ice and cinnamon... very refreshing)

And 5 days have gone!


  1. I am absolutely joining you my friend during July! I have already placed my first July photo on Instagram!

  2. Ciao Uva!
    sei un'ispirazione continua : )


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