Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Country backgrounds again

I spent another photographic Sunday in the country, like I did last March.
My will was to refresh some photos of my shop and take photos of two new bags I made recently.
I wanted to use again those special backgrounds of old grey cement and used wood I can find in our little house near the orange trees garden S. grows in his free time.
Besides taking "professional photos", I captured some moments and details of nature around me, too.
Oh, this young cat was so lovely:
S. picked up some green peppers (his Brother is growing them together with other vegetables):
I used them for a typical sicilian dish called "caponata". I cooked it the day after and was delicious (peppers + eggplants + potatoes + onions.... yummy).
Then I took photos of my new bags.
Last week I decided to make a little change and sew bags with a new (to me) design.
So I refined the self-drafted pattern of a bag I made for Francesca and I tested the new pattern on some Ikea fabrics (sturdy, perfect for this kind of bag).
The result is not-bad :)
I photographed them with the old cement wall as background:
And on some tree branches, too:
If you're interested they are in my shop now (sand bag, multicolor bag).
They are medium size, have darts to make space inside and a new kind of inner pocket I sperimented with recently (closed by a metallic snap):
Yes, I took this photo before putting together the bag to show you the pocket! :)
To end the photographic session I took again some shots of little jewelry I have in my shop. Cutted trunks we usually use as chairs offered a nice background for earrings and pendants:
Now my shop has a country-chic look I really love.
I alternate white and country/old-style backgrounds and the final effect is very nice!
Uh, this is my photographic set:
So different from the previous one I have showed to you (no animals in this one, only some ants walking on the trunks, eh eh).

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