Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Say 'Yes' to art - my third collage

I had some time for collage and drawing today, after cleaning the home, cooking and organizing things for my last day of work at school!

I glued a background (wood) in a corner of a page in my moleskine journal and  then I started to add things.
When finished, I wasn't 100% happy about the result, so I decided to draw something on it!
Oh, so scary!
I used to think that drawing on a collage is a bad thing, a misdeed, a way to ruin your masterpiece.
Well, I was wrong, drawing on a collage is the best part of the process!!! :)
I had so much fun adding little details and words. And, while I was working with my black pen, the title of this collage came to my mind peremptorily: "Say yes to art"!
Like that funny elegant man does. Say 'Yes'! Like I did starting a new collage at the end of a session of "domestic obligations".
Say 'yes' to art... hope you will do it today! :)


  1. I get scared of drawing on my collages since I don't feel I know how to draw. But I'll go in for writing on it! Cute use of the paint chip! {:-Deb

  2. The blue and brown are wonderful, and the pile of faces and lamp post are great elements. I agree that drawing on a collage is scary but satisfying.

  3. Glad you reached beyond your comfort zone... the results are fantastic and the finished drawing really does make the piece.

    Happy Glue It!


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