Saturday, 25 May 2013

A tropical corner

You probably know Frangipani flower and/or its lovely fragrance, used for perfumes and other cosmetics.
It is native to tropical parts of the world, but a couple of years ago we discovered it can live also here in Sicily, where weather is very warm.
The plant is lovely, so elegant, green and with lovely flowers!
So we started to look for one to grow in our garden or in a vase... and we found it!!! We have now 6 plants, to be precise! :)
This is the firt one to blossom:
A tropical corner near the front door!
Coming home after work and be received by these beauty, oh, it's priceless! I think they will grow and give us amazing flowers like these for all the hot sicilian summer :)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! I know you are going to enjoy your Frangipani plants this summer. I widh we could grow them in the PNW - but unless a green house - no chance they will survive.

    Thank you for sharing the beautiful images.


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