Friday 14 December 2012

Yummyness for Santa Lucia

Yesterday I celebrated Santa Lucia :)
And things went as planned. Nothing went wrong (uhm, well, I'd like best a sunny day instead of rain, but it doesn't matter!) so I haven't felt homesickness although my brain stayed in northern Italy (where Lucia is celebrated more then in Sicily) all day.
And I had a lot of yummy things to taste and some time in the kitchen! :)
My sister-in-law gave me a big pot of cuccìa (the traditional sicilian meal for this day), cooked by her on the wood stove she has at home.
Last year I couldn't show it to you, so yesterday I took this photo, just a second before eating it. Wheat+chickpeas+water+salt+olive oil... tasty and healthy!
This is the eastern Sicily version of this meal (in other parts of the region it isn't salted, but it's made with sugar and chocolate).
Then I baked some cinnamon rolls (= Kanelbullar).
I looked for a recipe written in italian and I found it here. I religiously copied it in my moleskine (for the future) and started to work.
These are my Kanelbullar before putting them in the hoven:
And here we are the baked kanelbullar:
Yes, I've probably overcooked them a bit! And I'll add more cinnamon next time! But they are delicious. Yummy yummy :)
I gave some of them to my sister-in-law, to thank her for the cuccìa. And also because... my sister-in-law's name is... Lucia! A very common name here in Sicily.
And now that Santa Lucia day has gone... I'm opening myself to Christmas time! :)


  1. Ohh, cuccìa looks delicious! I may have to try that. I love chickpeas! :-)

  2. Funny, but all day as i celebrated Santa Lucia Day (which I did btw with my favorite gingerbread with lemon curd this year) I kept feeling something similar - your said it perfectly - like "opening myself to Christmas time". The feeling was just there, unexpected and underlying everything but a lovely feeling of 'Christmas is really here now.'


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