Wednesday 26 December 2012

Dad's nature photos: two brave little animals ("my creative family" serie)

Just arrived in my parents' home I found a lot of lovely things, like people I love, good food, northern wet weather (not so lovely, but so "mine"), a warm fireplace, and other wintery/xmassy goodies.

I also discovered that my whole family really developed a lot of new and amazing creative habits and skills during my absence.
I can't wait to be at my home again to show you what I'm talking about, so I'm writing some posts during the holidays about the amazing subject "my creative family". They will speak about handmade clothes, a photo book, nature photos, jewelry making and handamde nativities. Great, uh?

Today it's the time for my dad's nature photos.
He spends part of his day in the garden, growing plants and watching animals. Recently he started to be an excellent photographer of nature and took two snaps that I really love.

Isn't this brave robin amazing?

My father gave it some food and they quickly became friends :)
(it's not so difficult with robins!)

And what about this rabbit?

Dad says it often visits the garden looking for food. I hope to see it during these holidays here! Lovely lovely creature!

Well done, dad! I love your photos!!!

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