Friday 27 April 2012

Things I've missed: the garden

[Again from my parents' home]

I grew up in a home surrounded by a beautiful garden, tilled by dad.
It is totally frozen and outwardly life-less in winter, but in spring, oh, it becomes so full of life and colors! It's beautiful!
Living far away, I couldn't enjoy it at the end of spring this year and I've really missed it. But now that I'm here for these spring holidays I'm living outdoor as much as possible.
Some days ago, for example, I had lunch with S., my brother and my friends under the apricot tree (it gave us a lovely fresh shadow in a very sunny and warm day).
I'm taking a lot of photos, too, as usual.

A quince's flower:

Little pears at the beginning of their life:

Dad's precious creatures (a small part of his succulents):


A peony, close-up:

The garden is full of every kind of life and colors. it gives us fruits and vegetables and fills our eyes (and heart) of beauty :)


  1. Wonderful photographs...I have to say there's nothing better than having lunch in a garden...Have a nice week end!

  2. Those pictures are very beautiful. I really miss the cactus in my dad's backyard.


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