Monday, 9 May 2011


"Felice" is the italian word for "happy".
It's also the name of a turtle I have in my garden. She's a girl, although Felice is used in Italy as a male name.
She's seriously ill now and I'm spending nearly all my free time in nursing her.
In the photo you can see Felice taking a tepid bath, as the doctor suggested us.
We have also to give her two injections and help her in drinking and eating.

The second photo (X-ray) shows the problem: Felice has seven eggs to lay, but for some reasons she can't.
Day after day she became weak and started an anorexic phase.
Felice risks death.

We hope to solve the problem naturally. If not, the doctor will force the laying with medecines.

Please, send Felice some positive messages and energy!


  1. Spero che il problema si risolva e che Felice stia bene al più presto! Adoro le tartarughe, vorrei tanto averne una anch'io...
    Un abbraccio a te a Felice ^_^

  2. Forzaaaa Felice!! allora Felice è una "Felicia":))

  3. Felice... fight! ;)

  4. grazie!!!
    si, è una lei :)
    solo che quando me l'hanno data era così piccolina che non ero riuscita a capirlo.

  5. Non avevo mica letto questa storia! Ma sono felice che adesso Felice stia bene!! Un bacino tartarughino!! :*


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