Friday 24 October 2014

Shop makeover: better photography

After defining the target of my shop and adjusting a bit my shop's banner and avatar, I decided to work on the photos.
You know, or you probably can imagine, how good photos are important for on-line shops! But we have to so some considerations about the factors that make a snapshot a good snapshot. 

Good light, no invasive elements, interesting composition, no mess, elements that "speak" about the dimensions of the photographed object ... these are of course things to work on when taking photos of items to sell on-line.
But we have also to consider what we want to communicate through our snapshots to our ideal customers. 
We haven't only to offer a clear image, but also a picture of the experiences or the sensations that are linked to our products and customers are probably looking for. We have to communicate a mood, a feeling, a style.

Let me tell something about my shop. 
My ideal customer is the eco-friendly and nature lover woman I described here.
What is she looking for when surfing etsy pages? What does she like best? 
My answer to these questions is ... something that offers a connection to nature, to outdoor free time, to a rustic and simple lifestyle.
And are my photos ready to communicate this to her? Not 100%.
An important part of my items were (and some still are, because I need other time to work) represented by impersonal snapshots with white plain blackground and nothing interesting. They didn't offer the sensation of being connected with nature my target is looking for.
But other snapshots were very good. I took them outdoor in our country home (after these tests) and have an old cement wall as background and other element like old wood boards or grey stones. 
They work very well! This is the style I need for my shop's photos.
So I took new photos of a lot of items which hadn't this style!

Here you can find a sort of "before&after gallery" that explains in images this change.

How I've changed my photos on etsy

How I've changed my photos on etsy

Before/after for "pink cat pencil case":

How I've changed my photos on etsy - pink cat pencil case

Before/after for "granny square coin purse":

new photographic style for my etsy shop

Little flowers, old wood, cement, stones, retrò accessories... this is what works well in offering a clear vision of a "close to nature" lifestyle to my ideal customer!

Do you agree with me?

1 comment:

  1. This post portrays an aspect of image taking that is often overlooked! Attention is given to lighting and sharpness and composition but you are right in suggesting that the image must also convey more to excite the potential buyer. Great job of sharing this information, Silvia! Something we all need to be reminded of!


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