Thursday, 12 September 2013

Silver and gold

Look what AuntFran made for my shop these days:
Knitted cuffs in gold and silver with buttons!
Love them! I've just uploaded them in the shop (12 € is a fair price, I think).
My favourite is this one in gold:
I really like how the thread sparkles and, oh, I'm in love with that vintage buttons with their mushroom shape :)
Since I have a strong fascination for mother-of-pearl, this cuff placed second in my rank:
It's made of an interesting white thread with silver fibers, very soft and a bit sparkling. Less elegant than the golden cuff: I think it is for girls with a rocker soul!
Same thread (but more simple metallic buttons) for the second cuff in silver:

Aunt Fran knitted braids in both the silver cuffs, I'm not sure if the photos show it clearly or not. Taking photos of sparkling objects is not so simple as I was expecting befor starting, but I'm quite satisfied by my snapshots.
Here at my parents' home (where I'm still living now) I'm experimenting with a lot of rustic backgroungs like the old wooden board you can see in the photos above (and in this one). I'm taking advantage of the natural light I have in the garden... how beautiful is light in september! Still bright, but soft!
AuntFran is not the only one working on new things these days, of course!
After tidying up my sewing trunk, I've realized a pouch with fabric and leather leftovers I found in it:
I'm also embroidering and sewing new Xmas stars.
It's a "no-sewing-machine project", 100% made by hands, perfect for me in this period, when I'm trying to keep company with mum while sitting in the garden or watching together a tv show.
I'm going to write a blog post soon to show you the completed stars, because they are a bit different from the stars I made last year.

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