Tuesday, 3 September 2013

My dad

Ten days ago, after a short and hard struggle against pancreas cancer, my dad died.
I haven't written a word about this sad story before, because I wanted to keep this blog happy. This is my happy place, I'm sure you understand me.
But now I can't going on concealing, simply because I want to be honest with all my readers.
Summer 2013 has been very hard and sad for me and my family and next months probably will be the same.
But I'm planning to restart writing happy blog post soon.
My dad taught me the power of smiles and laughthers... I want to stay positive in memory of my smiling dad.
If you want to know something about my dad, you can read here, here, here.


  1. Silvia, mi dispiace davvero, davvero tanto per la vostra sofferenza.

    Per quel che può servire, ti mando un grosso abbraccio.

    Solo il tempo potrà lenire un pò il dolore...


  2. deepest sympathy to you & your family.

  3. Leggo solo ora cara Silvia. Un abbraccio forte e che presto ritrovi la serenità. Prenditi tutto il tempo che ti serve. Ancora un abbraccio.

  4. I am feeling so sorry that I have fallen behind and am just now reading this sad news. I admire you for how you are trying to deal with this painful time by focusing on things that bring you happiness. But I know in my heart, it is very difficult.

    My deepest sympathy and affection to you my friend, and to your family.


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