Friday, 16 August 2013

And what about bottle caps?

While saving glass bottles to cover them with crochet (my favourite summer project, this year), I've pondered a little about what to do with their metallic caps.
In Italy we call them "tappo a corona" ("cap with a crown shape").
I've always loved them, because they are often decorated by images and words that make a tiny work of art, not so different from other little works of art I love (postage stamps).
I usually throw away bottle caps, but now I'm thinking about recycling them and saving their "art" and/or give new life to their beautiful crown shape.
I've found tons of lovely project on Pinterest and today I want to share with you my favourite projects.
You can see that both inside and outside of the caps can be used.
Amazing fridge magnets that are also family photo frames:

Tiny candles for outdoor romantic dinners in summer (I think they can float on water, too):
Earrings... a super quick project. You can cover them with images you like, or not.

Bottle caps + macramet for bracelets:

Recycled materials are always welcomed for Xmas decorations (Pam, this is for you) like balls ....
... or snowmen:

But I mostly love recycled materials for toys making:
If you have hundres of caps... you can even cover your furniture (*____*)...
... or make a self-portrait:
Save your bottle caps!!! :)

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