Friday, 7 June 2013

Just for fun...

... I covered a bottle with crochet!

Sometimes we offer to our friends some drinks sold into little bottles, very common here in Italy (and in other parts of the world, I suppose).
They usually finish their life into the trash can, together with other glass objects waiting to be recycled.
But last week I saw on Pinterest [*] some covered bottles and I thought it was the time to recycle mine and make a tiny vase for flowers.
Although I'm surrounded by flowers and plants, I haven't a proper vase to put them, so I made one, instead of buying it! Craft power!
I haven't spent money for my vase and I had fun :)
I've simply covered my bottle with rows and rows of some green cotton thread AuntFran gave me years ago (previously used for this mouse).
I picked up this cotton because I want to add green to my life, do you remember?
Since green cotton finished too early, I went on with light cream (recycled).
You probably know that color block is super trendy, uh?
Now the new vase is in my bedroom. It is hosting two lilac flowers, near Zarina, the painted gourd Pam sent me this winter.
A lovely sight I can enjoy from my bed! :)
[*] I can't find the original pin that inspired me to make this bottle.
But in Pinterest you can find many projects around the them "covered bottle", like these covered with yarn, or cord, fabric, and even stones

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