Friday 25 January 2013

Something about me - Sunshine award

I (this blog) received a "Sunshine award" by the lovely girl who writes "Un, due, tre... terra", an italian blog about living a greener life (thank you!!!)
To be in the game I have to answer to 10 questions, so I'm doing it.
In english and in italian, to give fun to all my readers in the world :)
(Last time I wrote a similar post, but totally in italian)
1) Colore preferito?
Verde, anche se amo molto anche il marrone e il viola
1) Favourite color:
Green, but I love brown and violet, too
2) Animale preferito?
Volpe, ovviamente. Non lo sapevate? :)
2) Favourite animal:
Foxes, of course!!!

3) Numero preferito?
I numeri pari in generale, ma anche i numeri primi, per essere così "fuori dal coro"
3) Favourite number:
even-numbers and prime numbers

4) Drink preferito non alcolico?
Succo d'arancia
4) Favourite non-alcoholic drink:
Orange juice

5) Preferisci fb o twitter?
Twitter! Ma non "uso" nessuno dei due
5) Facebook or Twitter?
Twitter is the best! But I'm not on it, and not even on facebook.

6) La tua passione?
Cucito! Ma davvero?
6) Your main passion:
Sewing! Surprised? :P

7) Preferisci ricevere o fare regali?
Entrambi, specialmente quando in qualche modo c'entrano dei regali fatti a mano
7) To give or to receive gifts?
Both, especially when they involve handmade in some ways

8) Modello preferito?
Ma chi se ne frega! C'ho il mio bellissimo omo!!!
8) Favourite model:
S. (my lovely man) :))

9) Giorno preferito della settimana?
Lunedì, quando un'altra bella settimana inizia!
9) Favourite day of the week:
Monday: another amazing week starts!!!
10) Fiore preferito?
Solo uno? Adesso che è gennaio dico il giacinto
10) Favourite flower:
Only one flower? uhm.. It's january and I say... hyacint!
The game says I have to give the prize to other 10 blogs I like. Uhm, ok, but I'm choosing only five blogs (hope it's not a problem). They are:
5) PetitFraise

Follow this link to read this game's rules!



  1. thank you Silvia for the award... I'll answer as soon as possible!

  2. How fun to read these answers! And to see the image of you "lovely man" And he is that!

    One of the things i love about your blog - there are many - but one especially - your exuberant love of all aspects of life! Whether you are exploring something new or doing something you have done many times, you welcome it with joyful anticipation and that energy enlivens what you make and how you share it with all of us.


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