Wednesday, 21 September 2011

My initials on a lovely antique towel

Well, I'm at home. I've said it yesterday.
In my travel from north to south I've carried in my suitcases some antique and vintage treasures. And some of them are also handmade. Heaven for me!
All of them have been realized for various members of my family and saved for ages. Some are totally unused, can you believe it?
I'm going to write 2 or 3 post about them.
Ready? :)

Let start from an antique towel with my initials. Yes, my initial, T.S.!
It belonged to a distant relative, a lady whose name (by mere coincidence) had my same initials. According to italian traditions, she probably realized it before her marriage, in the last decade of 19th century!
Isn't it amazing?
A big 'thank you' to AuntFran, who saved it for me! :)

The towel is made of linen, embroidered with cotton thread in pastel colors.

I love the thickness of some details like this:

The initials are decorated by lovely vegetal elements (leaves, fruits...) and have open-worked little circles (lovely!!):

My initials on a beautiful antique towel... I'm a lucky girl!


  1. well it's gorgeous!! i love the relief too, and the tiny details *__* thank you for sharing <3

  2. che fortuna che hai avuto!!!!!

  3. E' davvero una meraviglia questa tovaglia e che coincidenza carina!

  4. Che bel lavoro! Belli anche i colori cosi' delicati...E poi il fatto che le iniziali siano le tue e' proprio una fortuna!


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