Tuesday, 16 July 2013

New craft-obessions: pincushions!

After snowflakes and bows, a new obsession came to me: I started to make little pincushions and now I can't stop.
Help me, please!
All started with a tiny linen leftover (from this wallet): a square abandoned in my box of embroidery tools waiting for its destiny.
As I saw it last saturday, a new idea jumped in my mind: pincushion! Why not?
I embroidered it with my usual themes (fields of flowers, nature, etc.), found a piece of fabric for the back, put all together and stuffed with polyfill.
I liked the process (and the finished object, too) so much that I had to make another one the same day, eh eh.
This kind of pincushions are very easy and quick to make. I love working on small things, expecially on squared surfaces; my imagination works well in finding different way to decorate them. 
Always welcome little embroidery projects to finish in half an hour!
I'm so happy for finding a new project for my fabric scraps!!!
I couldn't resist in including my new bird scissors in the photos! I bought them in my latest vacation, I was with mum, a sunday morning.
Well, I want to show you the other three pincushions I made.
One speaks about my love for hexagons:
My favourite is made of the same felt of my bunnies and has a motiv of shading waves. I made it for this challenge (you can vote for me, if you like it).
The last one has a hedgehog watching The Great Bear (Ursa Major):
They all have a brown back, except the hedgehog pincushion.
I've uploaded them in my shop (price: 10 €).

Why don't you make one for you?
Don't forget to show it to me when finished :)


  1. Oh Silvia your pincushions are a delight! Every single one of them! I love almost every bit of your embroidery - snowflakes to pincushions!!

  2. So lovely and unique!My favourite maybe the first:) Thanks for sharing!
    Happy August!
    Hugs and love from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft


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