Saturday, 29 June 2013

Summer sales!

You already know (by my previous posts) that I'm on holiday!
I'm enjoying 10 lovely days at my parents' home, reading (Ken Follett's Fall of giants, because I love big books), crocheting, working on other Xmas ornaments in cornstarch clay, studying plants and sleeping :)
I'm trying to stay productive around my neglected shop, too.
AuntFran is making new crocheted pouches for it (I will be ready to upload them in the shops in 2-3 days, maybe!) and I'm refreshing photos, tags and so on.
I decided it's the right period for summer sales, too!
I'm offering some items with 20% discount; you can find them in 'Clearance sale' section (the price has been already changed, so buyers haven't to apply any coupon code... easier!).
They are:
1) Salmon and brown crossobody bag:
Discounted price: 21,60 €.
(here a blog post about it)
Discounted price: only 8 €.
(she will celebrate her 2nd birthday next july!)
3) This moleskine cover (+notebook):

Discounted price: 12,80 €.
Discounted price: 12,80 €.
5) Metallic pouch with chain strap, crocheted by AuntFran:
Discounted price: 20,80 €.
6) Shoulder bag with recycled lining:
Discounted price: 20 €.
The reasons why I'm offering them with a reduced price is that I want to make space for new bags/accessories I'm working on this summer.
I need clear space, I hope someone will help me buying something, eh eh :)
And now... it's time for another chapter of "Fall of giants"!

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