Saturday, 26 May 2012

A beautiful bride will wear...

... my bag :)
I'm so happy!!!
My friend Francesca will marry Nicola next June and she asked me to make her a bag to wear in that special day.
This idea really excited me, particularly because it had an ecological implication: the bag is made of scraps of fabric of the bridal dress, left-over from the dress making and destined to finish in the rubbish can.
Isn't it great?
I like eco-sewing :)
Francesca suggested me the design: she really like the "Josy clutch bag" by Ithinksew, so I used this pattern with some alterations.

Francesca also suggested to decorate the bag with fabric flowers, so I realized three little peonies (similar to the peonies I transformed into brooches some monthes ago, but smaller).
Great idea! They really add a romantic and stylish touch to the bag.

This fabric is lovely. It's soft and 'shimmering', but it doesn't move when is under the presser foot of the sewing machine, making the sewing simple and fast.
It is a bit too light to be used for a bag, so I made it stronger with fusible interfacing and two pieces of a new material I bought in my favourite sewing shop here in my new little city: it is a sort of plastic net, strong in mantaining the shape but light.
I'm going to show it to you in another post, if you're interested.

This bag is going to be on the top of the best 2012 craft projects. Pure love! :)
I can't wait to see the photos of Francesca's wedding and see her wearing my bag together with her lovely bridal dress!!!


  1. Wow, è davvero deliziosa! Ricorda tanto la mia borsina...a proposito: sai che dopo Cuba è venuta con me anche ad Amsterdam? La adoro ^_^

    1. davvero la stai usando così tanto?
      oh, come sono felice!!! :)

  2. Beautiful gift. Beautiful!


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