Thursday, 7 November 2013

November in drawings: a beautiful start

I've decided to draw more this November.
An easy way to work on this purpose when you have only little time is having your journal and a pen near the bed and drawing something in 5 minutes before sleeping. Only a doodle or two is enough to nurture the artist in you :)
But I also like to have more time and fill a whole page with a bigger drawing project.
The first day of this month I realized this page about beautiful things in November:

In the scroll on top I wrote (in italian) "November is here" and on the bottom of the page I added a tagline about "November beautiful things":
- little birds coming back (like this)
- mushrooms
- chestnuts
- some rain (not everyday, of course!)
- wind (sometime it pulls up umbrellas)
- leaves falling down and making drawings on the ground
- first snow on the top of the mountains
- the moon (so beautiful in this season!)
In the next page I wrote some notes about my daily life and added some sketches about Macchia the cat and November wind:
Only black ink on white pages now, but I hope to have the time soon to paint something! I want to use my watercolor pencils again and test some acrylic colors I received as a gift in october.

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