Sunday, 10 November 2013

A super secret project (granny squares included!)

Today I'm sharing a secret with you :)
I've (hand)made Christmas gifts for mum and AuntFran and they are super secret, so, please, don't tell anyone :P
Mum and AuntFran don't read the blog (because they can't read english), so I can show them with you, but, hey, be discreet, please!
Going on looking for unconventional uses for granny squares (after my mp3 reader's case), I decided to make for mum and auntie two sewing+crocheting pincushions.
Although they sew and do other crafty things pins are involved to, they haven't a pincushion, don't ask me why.
I used the very first two granny squares I've made this summer (with their help) in fuchsia and green cotton. I've handstitched them on a square of natural linen and then put the pincushions together with fuchsia canvas (leftovers from these bags) for the back.

Stuffed with super soft polyfill, of course!

The pincushions are not so big. They can stay together on my hand:

The first pincushion is more pink, the second is more green. Probably I'll give the first one to mum and the other one to my aunt.
I hope they'll like my gift :)

If you're thinking I'm a bit obsessed by pincushion this year, well, I do agree! :)
I've made 6 of them already and no will to stop!

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