I had a lot of fun yesterday! I spent some time working on a little project and letting my creativity flow free.
Reinvigorating! :)

And what I've done?
After a very long long time I decided to carv a stamp!
Inspired by this pin I've carved two stamps that simulate a washi tape "cut".
Of course I've tested them in my moleskine, as usual.
I used them alone, just to test and adjust the design, and with two photos from a magazine. And I used my new stamp with the date, too! :)
I'm not 100% happy of the final result, but I've really enjoyed the process. Oh, how I've missed handcarving!!!
To be clear, the stamps are those green pieces of adigraf in the photo.
The stamps need to be fixed to a rigid board, like the one I've made for the dala horse stamp.
There is a white space on the left of the page: I'll fill it with words today!
Cool idea! Especially if you use it to tape down other stamped images...