Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Clothespins wire and cornstarch clay: a recycling project

In my November craft plans I mentioned my intention to realize some projects I've pinned into my Pinterest boards.
This brilliant idea has been the firts one that captured my attention: jewelry made with clothespins wire! Uh, uh, a recycling project, perfect for me, also because, for some reasons, my clothespins tend to crack and I have so many wires saved!
I decided to couple the wires with some cornstarch beads I've made this summer and never used.
They are flat beads, donut shaped, in different bright colours. I used them to make three pendants:
The avio blue one and the green are for me, because they are perfect colors for me. I want to give the rainbow pendant to my niece, who recently turned six. I think it's a funny gift for a little girl.
Hope you like this project!
And hope you are having a full-of-craft-joy november like me!

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