Sunday, 3 November 2013

New embroidered stars for Christmas tree: felt!

Not only cornstarch ornaments in the shop!
Recently I've also listed six couples of felt stars I made last August/September thinking of Christmas and holidays home decor.
They are a bit different from the stars I've made last year: they were made of cotton fabric, sewn front to front and turned inside out (and then stuffed with polyfill).
This year, while I was spending a long and hard period at my parent's home, I decided to use some sheets of felt I found there: red and camel synthetic felt and blue real wool felt (recycled from old clothes).
I worked a lot after lunch, under the cloister, or in the evening, watching tv.

I like to work with felt, it's one of my creative discoveries of 2013. It's very soft to embroider and you can sew it by hand, back to back: there's no need to turn your work inside out, so the stars came out a little bigger than last year.

It's time to show them to you. I designed by myself the embroidery design, as usual, slightly different for each couple.
They all are embroidered only on one side with white cotton thread and are approximately cm 7 tall.

My favourite are these red stars:

Other red stars are...

... these with a simple embroidery:


... and these more complex:

I think red and white are perfect and traditional colors for Christmas, but also dark blue is great when you're making star, because the mix of blue and white suggests the light of the stars in the dark winter sky. Do you agree?

I made two couples of blue stars.

This is the first one:

And this is the second:

Follow the links in the text to go into my shop's pages and read additional informations.
I decided that 12 € for each couple is a fair price. What do you think?
Consider there's a lot of work, totally made by hand, to realize them.
Of course you can also jump into my shop's "home decor and holidays" section to see all the different ornaments available.

The last set of stars is slightly different: the stars are embroidered on both sides with two colors (red and white) and not stuffed (they are flat).
You can find them here:

Please, can you write in the comments which is your favourite set?
I need you opinion to improve the production of this kind of home accessories. I really like to make them, so I want to do better, if I can!
Thank you!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Silvia, these are all so beautiful! I will be decorating my tree tomorrow and the stars I purchased from you last year will be front and center!


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