Monday, 28 October 2013

Shop update: fuchsia and little birds!

You probably know that I'm on new routes right now, that I'm trying to work on new things that are out of my confort zone.
I' ve experimented with new bag's models and I made some bags bigger than (my) usual.
Autumn suggested me to try something in a color I'm not used to: fuchsia.
It's a strange colour for me.
I don't wear it, because it looks too much on me, too strong and shocking (in Italy we call it "rosa shocking" = "shocking pink"), but I'm attracted the same! It's so joyfull and feminine!
So I've pick up a very soft fuchsia canvas received by Francesca and started to work for the shop.
Fuchsia bags!
The first bag I made is a Tulip Bag (pattern by me):
100% fuchsia canvas for the exterior parts and a romantic fabric for the lining:

Yes, they are angels playing trumpets! Lovely fabric!
As the previous Tulip Bag, it has two wide pocktes inside and it closes thanks to a magnetic snap.
It's in my shop here.
Quite satisfied by this first fuchsia bag and supported by the lovely and enthusiastic comments I received about it, I went on.
I decided to couple this new thing (fuchsia) with another strange-to-me thing: colour block!
And this is the final tote bag:
Fuchsia bottom, central panel in organic linen, upper panel in white with cute birds! (Love birds!)
The things I love most about this tote is that I've embroidered some details on the birds with the same fuchsia of the bottom:
I'm really happy about my idea to couple sewing and embroidery (not only in this bag!).
Insied there is a beige lining (cotton fabric) and a birdy pocket closed by a metallic snap (you can see all these details in my shop's page here).
About pink
Making a quick research into my shop I noticed I have 16 items in pink, and 5 are fuchsia. 
And it's so strange for me, because I use to say it's not my favourite color!
But for some (mysterious) reasons it is in my creative life much more than my favourite colors (green and brown). Interesting!
The fuchsia items I love best are the Felt bunny with fuchsia crocheted heart and the crocheted earrings by AuntFran.

1 comment:

  1. hi, i have posted a bag on our blog: ess-arr, you might like.


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