Thursday, 24 October 2013

In my F/W closet: handmade cardigan. And a tv show, too!

I've started to work around fall-winter clothes (for me) recently!
Now that I've learned new skills about clothes-making and I've noticed that I wear a lot all the clothes I make, hey, who will stop me?
I want to sew new things to wear at the beginnen of a new season!
In the last two weeks I worked around a cardigan. This one:
I saw the model (and its pattern) into a past issue of "La mia boutique" (plus size section), an italian magazine very similar to "Burda fashion".
I liked the gathered sides and the shoulder line. And that it looked easy to make! But I decided to alter the pattern a little, in order to make a long sleeves cardi.
To make it I picked up a knitted fabric I bought two years ago for only 0,50 €. It's slightly transparent and very very soft... probably not the best choice for this model! I think it needs a more "solid" jersey to have the best result.
I had to sew 7 little black snaps for the clousure, instead to use only a belt, as suggested in the magazine, because the fabric was so lightweight that it couldn't stay in its place -__-

Lesson learned.
Can you see how the cardigan is transparent when against the light?
I think I'll wear it with trousers and a black top under it. Or on a black dress.
Or (better for me, because I'm not a big fan of total black) coupled with a light blue skirt I want to make with a fabric I have in my stash (the cardi's fabric has some light blue spots).

I have a long list of clothes I want to sew (or refashion) for me.
Hope to have the time for!
In the meantime I'm watching a new italian tv show, whose title is "Refashion". You probably will imagine that I jumped on the chair when I saw its advertisement the first time! An italian tv show about sewing and refashion!!!
So exciting!!!
Although the projects in the show are really simple, I'm learning new things, thanks to the lovely and expert anchorwoman, Alessandra Impalli (her blog here).
Happy me!

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