Thursday, 31 October 2013

It's that time of the year again! Winter crafts time!

Robins has here again, we roasted chestnuts last sunday, I cooked a very big pumpkin, leeves are falling down ... it's that time of the year again ... fall, time to start winter crafts of all sorts!

November is coming and brings very busy crafty moments every year.
It's time to make Christmas ornaments, handmade presepi, handmade gifts for family and friends, new clothes for chilly days... a lot of things to make and do!
My plans:
- go on making clothes for winter. After the long sleeves cardigan, I need a skirt. I've spent some time yesterday looking for patterns and/or instructions for wrap skirts and now I'm ready to start! Also an half-round skirt is very welcome, I hope to have the time (and right fabric, too).
- crochet! When evenings are colder I like to work in bed with hooks and wool. Not sure what I'll make, but Pam's mushrooms  are amazing and I'll probably give them a try. New amigurumi animals and granny squares are on the top of my list, too.
- start my 2013 photobook. Although 2013 has been a very hard and sad year, I want to save all the photos of happy moments for the future, like last year. Hanna's blog post will help me in solving problems I had last year with Blurb, I hope.
- Make at least one of the projects I saved into my Pinterest boards [*]
- Drawing drawing drawing. And painting a bit, too.
Suggestions from my blog:
If you need ideas for winter crafts, feel free to "copy" my creations. I would be very happy if you'll let me know in the comments what you've made!
My suggestions are:
- Print and make some paper angels
- Prepare some cornstarch clay with my tutorial: you can use it for jewelry (to give as a gift or for you).
- Use my snowflakes designs to embroider snowflakes everywhere or to make ornaments!
- Explore the endless possibilities of handmade presepi (= nativities): here some by my mum.
- Start a Christmas wreath with real tree branches
- Follow my tutorial to make bows: you can use them to make little gifts (like brooches) or ornaments. Great for fabric scraps!
[*] Pinterest inspirations:
- decorative trees with pine cones
- a Christmas bunting with orange peel
- the perfect gifts for dads and grandpas: a tie
- gift idea for friends or sisters: fabric tote to carry wine bottles
- Felt reindeer!!! Super cute!
What are you going to make this november?
Let me know in the comments! :)


  1. Big plans, wow! I hope you get a lot of it done and enjoy your crafting time! Let me know if you have any book making questions and I'll try to help!

  2. Lista lunga e corposa... e anche parecchio di ispirazione! A dire il vero non ho il coraggio di scrivere i miei propositi, i due mesi prima di natale mi sfuggono sempre dalle mani :/
    Buon lavoro :)


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