Friday, 1 March 2013

Making bunnies - behind the scenes

I like to take photos of me and/or my tools when I'm making things.
I have a lot of these snapshots in my folders and they want to be published, eh eh. Showing the creative process is a good thing, because it can inspire other people and make clear how you work.
To me it's important also because these photos leave a sweet memory of happy moments.
So here some photos of the making of my Easter bunnies.
Sweet memories of a quiet and creative sunday morning.
All started with a felted sweater: I cut off a sleeve and drew the pattern.

It's now time to choose coloured fabrics for mouth and ears: rummaging time into my tiny scraps bags, the messy part of the project.
Then I fixed crocheted heart by hands and the mouth with zigzag stitche at the sewing machine: the bunny is ready to receive its embroidered face.
After sewing the ears I "packed up" the bunny with pins and put it under the sewing machine.

Turned inside out... it's time to pay attention to the backside, adding a pom pom [*]

A happy finished bunny, proudly smiling close to the sewing machine... isn't it lovely?
[*] I made that tiny pom pom with a fork, following this tutorial.


  1. Loved seeing this series of images showing the process of making. Feels like i am in your home looking over your shoulder! You bunnies are a delight!


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