Following my wish to work around springy themes, I decided to make a bird with felt leftovers this week.
I drew the pattern and started to work with enthusiasm.
I drew the pattern and started to work with enthusiasm.
My intentions were also to use for the first time in my life some plastic eyes I bought here.
Embroidered details and a floral fabric for the tail looked like great ideas.
But this is what I got:
A strange bird with an ugly face!
Something went wrong!
But, hey, not only beautiful creatures deserve to be loved. Also imperfect men and animals need something who gives them love.
So, little ugly bird, I'll love you the same :)
It is now in his new place, near my craft (+study) table, with his new friends: paper angels I made two Xmas ago.
I'll offer him a smile everyday.
No matters it has eyes like fishes, a beak like a hook and an out-of-proportions bottom!
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