Tuesday, 1 October 2013

I don't know its name, but it's funny (edited)

While I was still in Northern Italy, the first days of September, one day I decided to spend some time tidying up some drawers in my old bedroom.
And I found a lovely thing I received as a gift when I was a child.
It's a thing "to make art".
I don't know its name, I only know it's super funny. Similar objects were almost everywhere during my childhood (I remember I had a smaller version, too).
Does its photo say something to you?
You put your pen into one of its "holes" and start moving. This instrument help your hand to move till you have finished a whole round.
You can decide to remove the instrument to see the result or (more funny!) decide to go on, without moving it from its position on the page, and re-start with other shapes to mix them together.
The result is a sort of mandala, an hypnotising work of art you can't get tired of.
Yes, making these circles is addictive (the reason why I've decided to leave it where I've found it, because I don't need other time-consuming things here at home, eh eh).
But I brought all the circles with me, of course. And I cut them to glue my favourite into my moleskine.
I think they can have several funny applications... for example they can decorate cards, or became part of gift wraps, or be hanged up the Xmas tree like balls.
Do you know this funny tool?
Can you help me in giving it a proper name?
Thank you in advance!!!

EDIT: My Etsy Italia Team mates say its name is "spirograph". Mystery solved!
I'm a proud owner af a vintage spirograph, eh eh :)

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